Tuesday, 6 September 2011


I'm one of these who hates change. But Autumn winter, I'd say is my best season. Not just for the cuddly fashion choices. But I find it a very comforting time period, stodgy food, seasonal family time= true comfort and friends, aka my logic reasoning.

So in preparation for this fabulous season I've decided an image revamp should be the first thing on the agenda ( I know totally out of the comfort zone), the hairs been cut, gym memberships a goer, and I' m considering a fabulous new hair colour to coincide with the new wardrobe I'd like to start working on. I've cut lose 'wasters' as I'd like to say, one of the besties is moving to London; giving us a new play arena. And I'm just at that point where I needed to do it (hey I've even cut out a few bad habits)!

And so the look book begins...

Show some love- Re-adjust me.

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