Saturday, 3 September 2011

(Coffee+window seat) + a naturally nosey person= early morning rant galore.

Okayyyyyy sooooo saturday morning? Or beg-afternoon (aka- possibly afternoon by some standards) in Drip (aka- chillaxed coffee venue on the outskirts of the northern quarrter (as it boarders pica dilly)) and also probably one of my locals... So maybe saturdays are just not some peoples things, but when sat at a window seat, I naturally can't help but people watch- naturally nosey some may also surmise- ah well. And seriously!

This morning I've awoken to, someone who didn't seem to be doing a walk of shame, but found it acceptable to be very literally wearing a lady in red top my cofee/morning off I then see someone also thinking that white patent is an acceptable form of footwear for the morning. I mean jeeeezzzzzzzz... No wonder gok wants to style the nation how can it be so hard to get it right???

On that note morning "un-fashion rant" over.

With my first spinning and pilates class booked at my new gym for next week. I need to get on thinking about what fashionistas/anna wintour deem as sociably acceptable gym wear.

Wish me luck...

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