Sunday, 1 May 2011


Now I absouloutly LOVE this photo set. Edgy as hell for vogue... but think Italian vogue. 
Agness Deyn, Gemma Kidd and up and coming poster girl Lara Stone. Not to mention the hills Justin Brescia, heart throb and a total regular on the party scene. 
The irony of these pictures is genius! 

Justin's a regular on the party scene in LA, so his presence brings the reality of these pictures home. The photographer has also used subtle forms of hilarity to emphasise the desperation of the press and the fall of the subject. 

In the first set (before) the models pose in numerous positions in which they have no underwear on. 

On first glance at the pictures they do present the desired  SHOCK factor. But in real term its nothing that we don't see on a regular basis in our news and gossip columns. 

The pictures tell the tale of success in the lime-light and bring the seriousness of the mater to light through the gritty after set aka. "the rehabilitation facilities" so many stars such as Britney and Lilo have managed to sell these facilities as the non serious drop in centre to there heavily publisized lives. See what you think but I just can't get enough of this...



Magazine: Vogue Italia July 2007
Models: Denisa Dvorakova, Missy Rayder, Lara Stone, Agyness Deyn, Sasha Pivovarova, Guinevere van Seenus, Tasha Tilberg, Iselin Steiro, Masha Tyelna, Irina Kulikova, Rogier Boschaart, Rory Greer, Tim Hernandez, Felix Penny, Justin Brescia
Photographer: Steven Meisel

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