Monday, 12 September 2011

So fabulous day, vintage shops+Manchester Cube gallery (to let-exhibition)+manchester art and crafts centre. What Ikm saying is Even inspired me to start knitting a winter tea cosy!!! How cute would that be, could match my knitted scarf from last year, in a nice Harry potter red. Any how on that note feel I should put up a few pics of Manchester art craft and design centre which has a lot going down on the run up to Christmas...

So here are some Cheeky pics from 'TO LET' in the Cube Gallery...

And Pictures from Manchester Art and Crafts Centre (NQ) Who I believe have a fantastic new exhibition coming up... more about that later though...

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Also Hats off to the below artist,  Francoise Nielly... 

I think these designs would be great not only on my wall, but also on t-shirts or a dress etc of some form... Watch this space I'm feeling all inspired and luckily there are fabric paints laying around!!! Oooooo.. ha!

Francoise Nielly...


Street art

I'm putting some pictures up which I think depict some amaze ball street art pics.  Living in Manchester's Northern quarter, which boasts a more urban feel than the rest of town. Street art is all part of the mix. Bars ask street artist's to design there interiors. For me as cliche as it sounds, I love street art when it has a political edge to it or some form of meaning. Aka Banksey.  The newest wave I'd say can after the Manchester riots where that particular area, helped to regenerate shops by using street art decorations to depict the work being carried out on the boards covering the smashed glass. Over the course of the blog I'm intending to pop up a few images that really depict the up-coming fashions of street art at its best.
I'd also like to put a little heads up to the vintage mill, in which we will soon be having our store in!!!


Holly Fulton

"I hope that my love of surface sets my designs apart. My Shapes lend themselves to decoration and every stage of the process from the initial conception to the technical lay plans informs my designs.Always attracted to strong pieces in terms of design, I have a huge love of art deco and bahaus styles,cubist fashion and the geometry within all these genres and the re-interpretation of these into contemporary materials gives me huge inspiration"
 Holly Fulton

LUCILA IOTTI  from the family business dating back to the 1920's renowned for tailoring to a modern decoparge of shoes. 

The newer collections of lucila showcase designs even Sarah Jessica Parker would stumble over. They showcase classic shapes with vibrant colour blocks, you needn't buy that dress let the shoes speak for you, and to be fair if you strutted out n these beauty's they'd pretty much scream!

For the newest collection visit her fabulous webpage-

Another newbie I'm having a moment with particularly her orange suede and fur number... is Mary Beyer...

Gloves taken to a whole new flamboyant level by being adapted fabulously to mirror each season. Her orange numbers particularly warrant the purchase of a new season tweed number... 

Have a gander >>


Karl Largerfeld... never fails to surprise, 
and fashion week was indeed no time
 to be coy! 

In fact he got straight to business with both the most genius and artistic take
 on a brief case. Well done Channel for again thinking outside the fashion box. 

We'll all order one now!!!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


I'm one of these who hates change. But Autumn winter, I'd say is my best season. Not just for the cuddly fashion choices. But I find it a very comforting time period, stodgy food, seasonal family time= true comfort and friends, aka my logic reasoning.

So in preparation for this fabulous season I've decided an image revamp should be the first thing on the agenda ( I know totally out of the comfort zone), the hairs been cut, gym memberships a goer, and I' m considering a fabulous new hair colour to coincide with the new wardrobe I'd like to start working on. I've cut lose 'wasters' as I'd like to say, one of the besties is moving to London; giving us a new play arena. And I'm just at that point where I needed to do it (hey I've even cut out a few bad habits)!

And so the look book begins...

Show some love- Re-adjust me.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

(Coffee+window seat) + a naturally nosey person= early morning rant galore.

Okayyyyyy sooooo saturday morning? Or beg-afternoon (aka- possibly afternoon by some standards) in Drip (aka- chillaxed coffee venue on the outskirts of the northern quarrter (as it boarders pica dilly)) and also probably one of my locals... So maybe saturdays are just not some peoples things, but when sat at a window seat, I naturally can't help but people watch- naturally nosey some may also surmise- ah well. And seriously!

This morning I've awoken to, someone who didn't seem to be doing a walk of shame, but found it acceptable to be very literally wearing a lady in red top my cofee/morning off I then see someone also thinking that white patent is an acceptable form of footwear for the morning. I mean jeeeezzzzzzzz... No wonder gok wants to style the nation how can it be so hard to get it right???

On that note morning "un-fashion rant" over.

With my first spinning and pilates class booked at my new gym for next week. I need to get on thinking about what fashionistas/anna wintour deem as sociably acceptable gym wear.

Wish me luck...

Friday, 2 September 2011


Whilst the runway appears to be seeing styles which have specifically taken on retro styling and tailoring such as the 70's knee length a-line. The 1940's katherine hepburn trousers tailored to perfection. Designers seem to be taking their inspirations from how they feel the look can be translated in the street.

Street styles seem to be verbalising these signature styles by placing a hip noughties edge. Where as the likes of paris, ,New yorks upper east side and milan translate these styles by keeping the classic cuts and blurring them with old favourites such as channel, and versace. The tokyo, downtown Manhattans and British, seem to be pioneering with a much more edgy look. Blending the retro looks translated on the runways with thrift store and vintage pieces, is becoming the newest way to translate some of fashions biggest names.

Matthew Williamson has openly reported his love for Manchester's Northern quarter and it seems that his key pieces for the season, seem to be something the urban retreats of manchester can dumb down and place their own spin on. With classic old english favourites translating the designer pieces to cool and practical. English heritage has become a key overtone for Britain's fashion culture. The likes of Barber, chunky knits, Original Parkas, 80's retro pieces and the old school sports classics, Dunlop, Addidas and Classic Nike transform pieces to an edge that has now become artistic and innovative.